Saturday, April 9, 2011


Today while wasting time on The High Definite, I stumbled upon this image. And while this image does represent a very deep and thoughtful look at the human psyche and what bonds two people together in a fun way. I could not help but compare this to a few of the most important relationships in my life.

And this pie chart, while it may hold true for a lot of things, definitely does not hold true for the friendship between the Variable and me. Our friendship started out on the basis of things we mutually liked, and as our pseudonyms here on the interwebs indicate, that has not stayed the same. 

The Variable being a variable has changed and done a near 360 on the things she likes and hates. And I have to a certain extent being a constant remained just as I am. And I would hesitate to say that the foundation of our relationship has changed ever since that first approximately 2 hour long phone call where I discovered that she liked Making The Band and both of us went "Wait! What? You too. I thought I was the only one" C.S. Lewis seems to agree that that moment is when you know you're someones friend. And if anything else our friendship has strengthened. 

It is jokingly said between us, that when asked about the things that I hate I can only come up with two things : Megan Fox and Angelina Jolie, and that I like everything else, thinking that it was "THE BEST MOVIE EVER" and that " YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE" And it is well known that in terms of things she likes and hates i.e. her interests the Variable has changed and a lot of the things she used to like starting out, she has begun hating now.

But was has not changed ever since the beginning (although she might disagree) is the wonderful person that underlies all those interests and TV shows obsessions and I-hate-Avril-Lavigne-but-I-am-obliged-by-my-past-to-listen-to-her-anyway. And that, I think more than anything is the foundation of our relationship. I'm sure we could and probably have disagreed on the things we hate a lot more and that we might disagree on this as well, but for us that pie chart might well be completely opposite and it would never be complete without incorporating the awesome person that the Variable is.

 The strings that hold the two of us together have chosen to lengthen and as fate would have it we are already full speed ahead on our own separate road. No warning or anything. Just bam. Gone. No time for proper goodbyes and no time to properly engrave in our minds every event and every little nuance of our friendship. And all we have are our memories to survive us. But it has been said that everlasting friendships go long periods of time and survive distance without ever questioning the friendship. I hope to dear god that that is what I have.

Fist bump, Variable, Fist bump

If the strings between us chose to break, I hope I have the sense to come running back with superglue and band aids, to sit once more on the arms of your couch in front of your TV and laugh uncontrollably at the things we separately chose to love and hate.  

1 comment:

  1. =')
    That's about all I can say.
    And I'm not even going to make any lame relationship jokes about this.

    I'm in awe. seriously. Love to the both of you.
