So it's been a while. And the negative wave of misanthropy is eating away any productivity so I decided to dig up some past affiliations [the rationale of which remains debatable].
Over the past one week, I've realised a few things.
1. Engineering scares me senseless in the way that I came into it with only a theoritical understanding of science and the practicalities of 'real engineering' which have to be scanned on the darkest corners of DTU have gone amiss in my life so far.
I'm thinking of making a small aid-alarm for grandma though, the challenge of which lies in me dragging my lazy arse to a hardware store than designing the schematic prototype.
2. I decided during the release of my harrowing second semester results that I have only four friends in college; all of whom I want to strike off this 'list.' Or well, one, in particular. Idealism doesn't help. Also, my bubble about people I've been into for months has been burst. A lot of bubbles got burst this week, actually.
3. Music is good. Music is the best. Grandma and Pippin are at par with music too. In limited doses.
4. So fucked up.
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