Too sleazy or too yumm?
Let me go ahead and answer that for you. TOO FUCKING YUMM. Hey, by the way Variable, Do we have a no profanity policy on this blog. If we did in your mind, I broke it. :)
Oh, Leonardo DiCaprio.
How the ladies hearts swoon.
You were a
young boy shooting heroin down your veins at 13
And every time you got high, and every time you achingly tripped, in The Basketball Diaries,
millions of hearts went right up there with you.
If the appeal of drugs and breakdowns wasn't enough for this movie, they threw YOU in, and my god what genius that was.
The way you held a cigarette, the way you walked, they way you
threw your life away for another shot, the way you cried... They really could not have chosen a better person to be you. Everything in this movie was taboo, but you make taboo okay.
Blonde,fit,sexy and unbelievably fucked up inside.
This movie set so
deep in reality and played so elegantly by Leonardo just shakes you. until you die and stare in awe at what you just saw.
Addiction is appealing, but addiction with Leonardo DiCaprio.
OH My GOD. It is genius.
Oh, Leonardo DiCaprio.
How the ladies hearts swoon.
And, the cigarettes, OH MY GOD the cigarettes.
My theory of the fact that no matter how much I hate people who smoke and how much I would hate being around them if and when they did, the pictures of men smoking are just fantastically sexy, This theory doesn't fail when compared to you.Like anything could fail to be beautiful in your presence.
At this point I'd like to point out that there are so many, so sexy pictures of him on the internet with a cigarette it is unbelievable. But I won't put in so many here, because by the looks of it I think this post is going to have a lot of pictures already.

You could die staring at his amazing eyes.
They are just so amazing you know.
I mean
Look at that.
It's gorgeous.
And then, while smoking and being young and fit and sexy, you did this.
Romeo + Juliet.You brought to life Shakespeare's amazing romance with bad boyness and guns and such a nice modern twist to it all.
Of course, Baz Luhrmann directed it and I expected it to be a masterpiece after watching Moulin Rouge, and it most definitely lived up to it.
There was the romance.

The guns.
The emotion.

And the beautiful kisses.
And Claire Danes was really magnificent.
But Leonardo DiCaprio was more, much much more magnificent.
Oh, Leonardo DiCaprio.
How the ladies hearts swoon.
And then.
Let me take a moment here, because this movie is way to special. So play that and move on.
I saw him frist in 1998, my parents took me to the theater which was very exciting, and I remember thinking SHIP SHIP WHAT A BIG SHIP. We were in the front row with a nearly full hall and I remember royal red seats we sat on. And I remember seeing my parents cry. I just stared in awe as the big ship sank.
And I think close to 2002, I saw it again because we had bought it on DVD around that time. I was eight but I will never forget how scared I was that the ship was sinking, and the overwhelming pain in my heart as his beautiful face drifted into the dead cold water. My sister cried while watching that. And that is only time I remember, although I don't remember very much of it, that I saw the movie in its entirety without crying. I didn't cry that time, but I felt really sad and sat in my mum's lap a lot and she didn't really let me see all of it.
I saw it once more,and for the last time in its entirety, when I was a very little bit older and I bawled, and I remember this time very very clearly. Because I was so effected by it. Me and one of our family friends' son saw it together. We sat on the floor with a mattress and many many pillows. Our parents weren't home and I had told him that we had to watch it without them because there were parts that they wouldn't let us see when they were around. He, just as intrigued as me, said yes instantaneously. (This started a string of watching such movies leading to a great friendship and a quite unique bond that I can trace back to many crucial moments, this being the farthest back I can go. He of course, remembers no such thing.) So, we sat and we watched the magic unfold infront of us. We both, him a year younger to me, sat there trying to comprehend what we just saw. That is also one of the first times I remember him crying infront of me, and even at that young age he was cocky enough to tell me he wasn't because boys don't cry, but I guess at the time the movie was just too much that even when he said those words, he sniffled and tears were just everywhere. Safe to say that throughout more than half the movie he cried. This also counts as one of the first times that I saw any kind of serious making out/sex. And my young mind was intrigued and confused. He shut his eyes and covered them with his hands instantly when he saw them passionately doing what they were doing in the cargo area inside that beautiful car, and glimpsed out to see if I had too, I hadn't and he slowly removed his hands and staring at the screen asked me something to the effect of "Why the hell aren't you shutting your eyes?", and I replied something to the effect of " That's the point!" and he smiled his cheeky smile and we both watched Jack kiss Rose and make noises in the backseat of a car. And then the movie went downhill and what had started out so beautifully, this tale of forbidden love, crashed down into a huge ocean of sadness (heehee its a pun). But it was the greatly shot first half of the movie that allowed the rest to be SO affecting to all that watched. If Leonardo DiCaprio hadn't portrayed with such perfection the liveliness and joy of youth that juxtaposed so well with the fragile aristocratic jail of life Rose was living, we never would have had the huge emotional payback at the end of the movie. This movie is just perfect and in my mind it is always going to be. It made me fall in love with the idea of love and with a million other things; travel and ships and period films and aristocracy and gambling and among them most notably Leonardo DiCaprio. Leonardo embodied freedom.
Since then, I have never, not once, seen this movie in its entirety and not cried. I have seen a few parts here and there and not cried, but when I watch more then 10 minutes of this movie and absolutely have to cry. How can you not. Specially when this is what they make you go through.
And I'm not going to say much more because I will cry. There must be so many more pictures on the internet, but I don't want to cry right now, and I'm sure if I go through anymore of these, I will, so then...moving on.
Oh, wait.
Just one last.
Oh, Leonardo DiCaprio.
How the ladies hearts swoon.
He then played sexyman in The Beach.
He then played beautiful conman in Catch Me If You Can
And then came The Aviator.
HOLY FUCK. This movie is good. And you, Leonardo DiCaprio are amazing.

But if that wasn't enough. He went and made Blood Diamond, which for those who have seen it, I don't even need to mention the awesome. But for the rest of you, this movie was war and terror and cigarettes and sexiness and charm and wit and humor and pain and love and longing and beauty and strife and hurt and jail and torture and it was amazing.
And then there was The Departed in which Leonardo DiCaprio is sexy in a whole different way.
And he was again, hauntingly beautiful in Shutter Island. Oh My God, Did you watch this movie,

HE can make crying your lungs out look sexy and beautiful. He cried so much in this movie and not once was I remotely turned off by him crying. Which is saying something because I don't generally enjoy men crying, something about it just ticks wrongly in my brain, but when he cries, its just okay.
And then of course, followed Inception.
I haven't mentioned Revolutionary Roa on purpose, because that deserves its own blogpost, which I will give to it.
How the fuck does someone exude so much awesome. It amazes me. He is so perfect. Have you met someone who's such a fantastic actor and such a GOD? I think not. No many people could compare.
Even covered in blood he's miraculous.
I don't know why he hasn't won an Academy Award yet.
This image seems to agree with me .I think much like Kate Winslet, its just his time.
I think they should just get married.
And now for the LULZ
And finally to end this.
A request from Mr. DiCaprio
Because, Leonardo DiCaprio has a thing going on
P.S. Variable, How racy is this blog supposed to be? Oh yes, I just asked that question, becasue in the research of this post, most of the things I came across that would prove beyond ANYONE's doubt that Leonardo DiCaprio has a thing going on, were just like ohmygod- too-adult to put anywhere..
If you want any of that action, just google it, or go to these tumblrz, they will amaze you and cause you to waste a lot of time.
If you're looking for more variety and everything in one place, Go Here
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