Monday, August 20, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
To Room 101, Miniluv
Everything is connected.
"A list of ordinary happenings that came together in the first minute of logging on to the internet."
- The only good thing about Prometheus [that DL did] is all the unnecessary Chopin playing.
- Muse played Nocturne Opus Nine at the end of United States of Eurasia.
[I screamed OH MY GOD NOCTURNE OPUS NINE PART TWO in the middle of the street when I realised this. Meanwhile, a baby cried.]
- United States of Eurasia reminds me of Queen.
- And United States of Eurasia is from The Resistance which is inspired by 1984.
- Guiding Light makes 50 times more sense now.
In other news,
The headphones are now a vestigial organ.
Commute for long because I live in Saturn's rings.
Hate all humans, especially girls.
The sun has once again, done its evil deed.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Offer Your Throat to the Wolf with Red Roses
You know that moment where you're jumping from one flimsy layer of ice floating atop phasing icicles and freezing conditions, to another one?
I'm kind of there.
Except frozen in between.
Excuse the pun. HEHE.
College starts tomorrow.
I am a fox, not a wolf.
Not foxy though, ew.
I will hunt.
Find warmth in knowledge.
And be an honourable member of the pack.
The first human-like fox.
Foxes don't care about placement or lucrative branches.
Foxes like three Es.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Read This Post. Then You Have My Permission To Die
Been meaning to write a post about Batman. Batman. Batman. Batman. Batman. For the past one week. It started out with wanting to write about how nearly flawless the first two in the trilogy are and how I have zero expectations from the third because of the aforementioned cause and reason.
Let's look at the two mainstream CBMs that have been made and survived to conclude with a trilogy - Spider-Man and X-Men.
While both hold a special place in my heart - Spider-Man because of the comics and '03 or '04 videogame and X-Men [which speaks for itself really], both delivered two wackily-paced no-brainers as the grand finales to their respective trilogies.
While Spider-Man 3 managed to overcast the emotional perfection of its prequel with the disparaged new villians, a Hobgoblin Harry who ends up as a Marvel version of Two-Face [later dead] and the complete bastardisation of one of the important emotional foundations of Spider-Man - Uncle Ben's death.
X-Men: The Last Stand manages to dissolve Proffesor X's shiny, bald head into smithereens amongst other things, invoke resentment towards the once-interesting love triangle between Wolverine, Cyclops and Jean Grey and destroy, yet again, the wonderfully crafted ending of the X2.
So after seeing those two abominations I mentioned up there, I had no expectations for this one.
However, it surprised me.
Definitely a good movie. Entertaining. Surprisingly pleasant despite its length [UH. DON'T LAUGH.] Excellent casting [Joseph Gordon-Levitt is spectacular.].Philosophically sound. Great emotional content. Fabulous technical additions [ LOL BAT COMES IN BLACK]. A promising back story which disappointed a little. Accurately-timed mood transitions. A likeable Catwoman.
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Tumbler killing Batpod here bitches. |
One of the things I did NOT enjoy at all was the all-pervasive intelligence of Bane. He seems to have all his connections intact, a massive underground army that shares his ideals, the resources to locate Batman's armoury, a weakness only taken advantage of at the very end and a very off-putting relinquishment of villainy to Ra's al Ghul's daughter.
On the positive side, his intimidating physique and garblegarble voice and obvious physical superiority was what held him together as an overall good antagonist. While The Joker had psychopathic charisma, Bane delivered his through brute force. To destroy inequality. And to outsmart Batman in every way possible.
As I had not done any prior research on the movie for fear of spoilers, the introduction of Marion Cotillard was a surprise. Why would one introduce her as a love interest over Anne Hathaway? And kaboom, Batman and Tate get it on near the fireplace, discussing their scars. It has fishy written all over it.
It seems the writers wanted us to figure out the truth about who the REAL villain was. However, was that plot point necessary? Not. At. All. While Gotham is in fear of a very BS-sounding nuclear attack, a mob of street-fighting Underground-crazies & ALL the policemen, not to forget impending death, we fear the stab of a delusional, revengeful woman. TOO MUCH GOING ON THERE.
Lastly, Batman was just a little underplayed. No gadgets? No weapons? Only street-fighting, League of Shadows-style? The Bat was awesome though. And so was the scene that led up to him "Rising."
Alfred was lovely as usual. The Bruce/Alfred father/son relationship is one of fiction's most breathtakingly beautiful relationships [especially in this trilogy.]
Also, Crane's return in the semi-dystopic "democracy" and the trickery of a "Death or Exile" choice was fascinating.
Before I conclude, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Not-Robin was brilliant. He served as the quintessential fanboy everyman. Except with more Gryffindor-courage and Ravenclaw-intellect than average. You could be him and follow him too. His acting prowess is enchanting and so is his screen presence. ^_^
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However, the pleasure of his death vanishes when one sees Alfred sobbing & choking about how he failed the three Waynes. As one's heart pains over Alfred's tears, Alfred moves to take a seat at a restaurant, [reminiscent of his previous 'vision.'] And there he is, Bruce Wayne drinking cheerfully with Selina Kyle.
Alfred and Bruce share a knowing look but don't speak with each other.
Robin inherits the Batcave.
And the credits roll.
ARGH. The feels I have for this ending. Thank you Goyer and Nolan. Thank you. =']
Here I conclude my long and disarrayed post. If you've stuck till the very end, thank you reader. Do tell me what you thought about it. TDKR, I mean.
AHAHA, after THAAAT you have my permission to die.
I bid adieu for now.
Dream about 'em pies.
And Bat in Black.
And Robin.
Oh did I mention?
VERDICT: FIVE AND A HALF-EIGHTHS OF TALIA'S MOLE. Oh, and that bonus HALF is for the acting.
Both Batman Begins & the Dark Knight get seven and a half.
Both Batman Begins & the Dark Knight get seven and a half.
Anne Hathaway,
Batman Begins,
Batman is Badass,
Christian Bale,
Comic Book,
Joseph Gordon-Levitt,
The Dark Knight,
The Dark Knight Rises,
Tom Caine,
Tom Hardy
Monday, June 25, 2012
In Memoriam
Recently, I was "cleaning out trash" on my laptop. And I happened to find this.
Presented without comment or edits.
Written by 13 year-old me who returned home from a school trip and got to know that "her dog" died.
Time: After a month of the aforementioned incident.
“It’s going to be one of those welcomes,” I thought to myself as I paced the lane, leading to the gate of my grandmother’s place with my cousin. The dread had been persistent in my thoughts since we’d got out of the car and I cringed painfully as a giant mass of black, fuzzy hair bounced towards me. “No, no, no,” I repeated in my head, a terrified expression, now etched on to every line on my face. The black Alsatian ran towards me as I found my way towards the door of the house, running with all the energy I possessed. My cousin roared with laughter as I scuttled away to safety, taking sighs of relief after I was sure that the dog had been evaded. She dropped her ears and with her head bent low, walked away sulkily.
So that was my greatest fear – dogs. It had all started in a summer night because of the same dog. My mother had called me outside for something and the moment I stepped out of the house, I had been suddenly subjected to two paws that sought balance on me and uncountable licks. Taken aback by the suddenness of this affection, I had screamed helplessly. Rescue had come late. Which didn't give comfort to my young mind. Since then, I’ve avoided Spicy. She was way too affectionate. I was not even her owner.
There were many moments like this and every summer I visited, there had been some friend of my brother’s who had to bear the brunt of this unforeseen affection along with me. Most of the time, I let that person be forcibly licked as I sought my way to the door. Sometimes the tables were turned on me. It was all a laugh in the end yet the fear nagged at the back of my mind.
As I grew older, I became a sort of animal rights activist against my entire non-vegetarian family. I simply refused to eat meat when my family cooked up dishes and dishes of chicken, giving sour looks to my parents along the way when they tried to force-feed me with talks about ‘protein.’ I would rather not grow than do it at the expense of an animal’s life. All this somehow, intrigued me about bonding with animals as I found myself spending more time with Spicy when I’d visit my cousin’s place. She was a friendly dog and welcomed everyone with a big, slurpy lick. Everytime we’d buy chocolates, I made sure I’d get one for her, as dessert with her daily meal.
Her story is perhaps the kind you would tell to a wide-eyed child, waiting to hear a bedtime story. Spicy (her name was different at that time) used to live with a family somewhere in the same city. Everything was going moderately well after her owners got sick of her. About two years old, she was victim to unending neglect and indifference. Never given the attention dogs need, she barely got a pat on her back or a scrub every week. In fact, she was denied food and had to starve. Her condition became worse every day. However, one lucky day, a family friend noticed her misery and being part of an animal rights group rescued Spicy from the place. She was bought by my five-year old cousin and my aunt and uncle. At that time, the Spice Girls were really famous, so they named her after the group. And then, she lived happily ever after.
She was the perfect pet. Vivacious and a ball of energy, she loved everyone and everything (except the rats in the backyard or the cats in the locality). She puckered up her nose and got those puppy dog chocolate brown eyes every time you ruffled her black mane of hair, her tail wagging uncontrollably. In the night, she was on guard for any prowlers or thieves and barked maniacally if she felt something smelt wrong. And she was deathly afraid of water. It was hard getting her on for a bath because she’d run away and hide in her cage, crouching in the shadows, as if wanting imprisonment forever than taking a bath. Having a dog is a big responsibility but sharing the love is a gift that outweighs all the negative factors. I never owned her but playing with her during my visits was one of the perks of friendship that I got every summer.
Soon she grew old, about 8 to 9 years in age and the vet gave her medication to cure her of illnesses as her susceptibility to diseases increased. The last year I visited her, she was ill, her energy reduced, but her eyes still shining as I patted her back. I found myself spending more time with her because something told me that I’d not have more summers to play. She devoured the chocolates my sister and I gave her sumptuously, as if they made her happiness. The morning I left my cousin’s place to return to
Dogs are truly a man’s best friend. We learn this truth only by experiencing it in real life. Those who own pets would know of the love and loyalty they offer. Even if the whole world turns against you, your pet will be there with you, backing you up because it loves you for just being you. It doesn’t need much - only love and the attention that all of us, as humans, want. And care, just like we wouldn’t like it if our loved ones refrain from acknowledging our existence. Because your pet has you. It only has you and your family in the world to call its own. Thus, it focuses all its energy and emotions into showing the love and gratitude for those who care for him and give him attention. Its love is truly unselfish and unconditional.
I learned a lot from Spicy. About emotions. About feelings. About humans and above all, appreciating what you have. Because if an animal can appreciate the gift of having loved ones and gratitude for what we receive, so can we…
Sunday, June 24, 2012
The Curves of Your Lips Rewrite History
Friday, June 22, 2012
Red Shift *_*
The ground shook beneath
Cracks, flames, obtrusions
Spikes disentangled
Clawing with tenacious fingers
The moor descended
The seas rolled, roaring
The white mist swirled, spun
Vision loomed, then dissolved
Empty pools of darkness spoke
Alight now with fire, embers sputtered
The twilight blanketing the abyss
And then It rose
Chains amiss, shattering speckled glass
Submerging shadows to the rising earth
Soaring, accelerating
Interspersing with the grey
And a sphere burst from the singularity
As white needles splashed across the dark
Swallowing the chaos
Burning with silent purity
The fires danced as the grey faded
The wind shivered, as a melody
Dispersed through the silence
Destruction became creation
And like a jet it cascaded
Across the universe
Swerving, shimmering, sparkling
And white shone to colour
Thursday, April 12, 2012
See you in another life, brother. ='D
Lost is over. I guess after over 650 days you come around and watch it.
For the time-travel & electromagnetic anomalies.

& Sawyer.
By What They Died For, I figured out that the despicable "Heart of The Island/Jacob/Smokey Gunna Destroy the Island" story was going to play out (the only part of Lost I didn't enjoy at all amidst parts of Season 4 with Sayid running around calling Charlotte CHARLOT & Geromino Jack obv.) so I accepted it.
P.S. Smokey FTW.
It was this emotional rollercoaster of a finale. My mind wasn't blown. But I still loved it for what it was. however, the underlying themes of letting go, moving on and starting over, reunion & redemption formed a very strong emotional backbone for the show. And for what it's worth - it gave not only the characters but also the viewers CLOSURE.
I was too excited about my mind's journey of Lost ending to cry. I strangely didn't. When Sun & Jin died. When Sayid died. (P.S. I cry every time a character dies. EVERY SINGLE TIME.) But when beautiful, brave Jacko staggered and fell at the bamboo shoots, back to where everything began and Vincent, swooped down, licked him and stayed with him as he died, I couldn't help but let out a sob. It was over. Lost was over.
Thank you Lost.
For your beautifully flawed characters.
For your intricate, powerful and captivating story.
For the finely woven web of awe-inspiring, gnawing mysteries, truths and revelations.
For capturing and delivering the human psyche - different parts of it every week.
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For the time-travel & electromagnetic anomalies.
For the alternating melancholy & exploratory undertones in music.
For all your references (to Fantasie Impromptu & Stephen King esp.)
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And even though David ain't real, he's as cool as Daniel Faraday |
For the idea of Daniel Faraday and Desmond Hume.
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I have a constant too Daniel. WE HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON. The offer's still open btw. |
For brave crazy Jacko & For intelligent Benjamin Linus.
And of course,

For Juliet.

& Sawyer.
For the amazing 120 (actually triple that) hours I spent forgetting everything else, lost in the surreal unreality and sheer brilliance of Lost.
Happee =D,
Time Travel,
Sunday, March 18, 2012
'Cause I'm going to Save The World Wearing a Vegetable
Since it's been well- a bloody long time and because the Angels of Rexicoricofallipatorius have been missing me, sending me long, heart-wrenching love letters to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write a blog post, I thought...meeeehwell. WHY NOT?
_________ ____________
So anyhooo, just a list of things I've been DYING to SAY for the past few AMAZINGLY NON-DREADFUL MONTHS (yeah, Board exams are overrated.)
So let the drumroll begin.
I love Doctor Who. Have I ever mentioned THE DEPTH OF MY UNQUENCHABLE, UNDIMINISHABLE, INDESTRUCTIBLE, OUT-OF-THE-WORLD ADULATION for this show, which makes me Invent words with Un-prefixes and makes the synapses in my brain misfire.
And I LOVE MATT SMITH. It's like The Doctor keeps changing but the show just remains as Fantastic as ever.
And honestly? I love the Moffat era as much as I loved the RTD era. While the former maintains "wittier" story lines with less "emotions", the RTD era thrived on character development and heart-warming relationships and of course the action-packed season finales.
One problem I had INITIALLY with the show was that the Eleventh Doctor embodies all the characteristics the Tenth Doctor possessed. After "The Parting of The Ways"there was a very conspicuous difference between Ecclestone's and David's doctor in the Christmas special itself.
While the Ninth was secretive, (although he involves his companions more than the Eleventh :/), sincere, suffering from the loss of his planet, he carried himself with aplomb avec a certain indifference to others (not disdain though) which I think really captured the heart of his audience.
The Tenth Doctor got along with Rose's family like "ice on fiiiiire" (I've always wanted to use this somewhere :P). He was witty, charismatic, EXPRESSIVE (God, he was expressive) and had a fascinating way of translating RUBBISH into technobabble. He also had a darker side, you'd almost think he's bipolar and David executed these mood transitions immaculately.
And well, let's get to the Eleventh. I honestly feel that he's just a sliiiightly different version of the Tenth, only differing in the acting styles of David and Matt and the fact that he doesn't mope. EVER.
And Amy & Rory bring a very interesting dynamic to the show (remember Amy's choice? Respect Amy. Respect.) It's one of favourite sci-fi romances ever. Or favourite romantic story ever. Seriously.
The Girl Who Waited and The Boy Who Waited
John Simm LITERALLY stole the show in the three parter Season 3 finale. The Doctor just sat in a little cage looking like Gollum and John Simm melted my little heart and cut up brains from little children *blink*

Okay I think it's time to calm down. SERATONIN CAN YOU DO IT. OR NOT?
God, there is so much more I want to speak about Doctor Who, it's like my very-relaxed-this-whole-blog-post vocal chords are SCREAMING FOR ENCORE.
Okay. Formula One.
Sounds so cool.
It's like you stagnate from November to March to just hear Chris say that.
and this year, I'm switching my last-three-years loyalty for Sebastian Vettel back to RAIKONNEN WHO IS BACK and Jenson Button.
Vettel. Too many people love you now. *tsktsk*
You're no longer that young Rookie in the Toro Rosso anymore. :/ Time to support the underdogs.
and finally NUMBER THREE.
There is no number three actually.
I just wanted to incessantly gush over Doctor Who and Formula 1 and then run off.
Forget that.
There is no number three actually.
I just wanted to incessantly gush over Doctor Who and Formula 1 and then run off.
Einstein wins. Opera had some equipment technical glitch glitch glitchety glitch.
We can still sit on a particle on a light ray zooming at 300000000 m/s and not be able to overtake it. YESWECAN.
You can read about it HERE.
These things are in my mind half-the-time in the middle of my Board exams-cum-Competitive Exams. Bleh.
_________ ____________
So anyhooo, just a list of things I've been DYING to SAY for the past few AMAZINGLY NON-DREADFUL MONTHS (yeah, Board exams are overrated.)
So let the drumroll begin.
I love Doctor Who. Have I ever mentioned THE DEPTH OF MY UNQUENCHABLE, UNDIMINISHABLE, INDESTRUCTIBLE, OUT-OF-THE-WORLD ADULATION for this show, which makes me Invent words with Un-prefixes and makes the synapses in my brain misfire.
And I LOVE MATT SMITH. It's like The Doctor keeps changing but the show just remains as Fantastic as ever.
And honestly? I love the Moffat era as much as I loved the RTD era. While the former maintains "wittier" story lines with less "emotions", the RTD era thrived on character development and heart-warming relationships and of course the action-packed season finales.
One problem I had INITIALLY with the show was that the Eleventh Doctor embodies all the characteristics the Tenth Doctor possessed. After "The Parting of The Ways"there was a very conspicuous difference between Ecclestone's and David's doctor in the Christmas special itself.
While the Ninth was secretive, (although he involves his companions more than the Eleventh :/), sincere, suffering from the loss of his planet, he carried himself with aplomb avec a certain indifference to others (not disdain though) which I think really captured the heart of his audience.
The Tenth Doctor got along with Rose's family like "ice on fiiiiire" (I've always wanted to use this somewhere :P). He was witty, charismatic, EXPRESSIVE (God, he was expressive) and had a fascinating way of translating RUBBISH into technobabble. He also had a darker side, you'd almost think he's bipolar and David executed these mood transitions immaculately.
And well, let's get to the Eleventh. I honestly feel that he's just a sliiiightly different version of the Tenth, only differing in the acting styles of David and Matt and the fact that he doesn't mope. EVER.
And Amy & Rory bring a very interesting dynamic to the show (remember Amy's choice? Respect Amy. Respect.) It's one of favourite sci-fi romances ever. Or favourite romantic story ever. Seriously.
The Girl Who Waited and The Boy Who Waited
John Simm LITERALLY stole the show in the three parter Season 3 finale. The Doctor just sat in a little cage looking like Gollum and John Simm melted my little heart and cut up brains from little children *blink*

Okay I think it's time to calm down. SERATONIN CAN YOU DO IT. OR NOT?
God, there is so much more I want to speak about Doctor Who, it's like my very-relaxed-this-whole-blog-post vocal chords are SCREAMING FOR ENCORE.
Okay. Formula One.
Sounds so cool.
It's like you stagnate from November to March to just hear Chris say that.
and this year, I'm switching my last-three-years loyalty for Sebastian Vettel back to RAIKONNEN WHO IS BACK and Jenson Button.
Vettel. Too many people love you now. *tsktsk*
You're no longer that young Rookie in the Toro Rosso anymore. :/ Time to support the underdogs.
and finally NUMBER THREE.
There is no number three actually.
I just wanted to incessantly gush over Doctor Who and Formula 1 and then run off.
Forget that.
Einstein wins. Opera had some equipment technical glitch glitch glitchety glitch.
We can still sit on a particle on a light ray zooming at 300000000 m/s and not be able to overtake it. YESWECAN.
You can read about it HERE.
These things are in my mind half-the-time in the middle of my Board exams-cum-Competitive Exams. Bleh.
I don't how competitive exams work on people who don't WANT to compete and just want to "learn" and then dream. :/
Bye for now.
Imma use my grey cells a little.
Pft. Like I don't do that all the time.
-The Variable
In a hurry atm.
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